Tesla, Inc. has been on a roll lately, as the TSLA stock has been closing in on their 52wk high of 1,243 . As a result of their recent performance, Tesla, Inc. currently has a 5/5 rating, given to them by 22 analysts (which will be touched on later). Tesla, Inc. is currently valued at 994.28B in terms of their market cap , and have approximately 1M shares outstanding. For more information about the TSLA stock, visit their Utradea stock profile.
As it currently stands, TSLA ‘s valuation is undervalued , when comparing their stock/valuation multiples to their publicly-listed competitors. TSLA ‘s current market valuation (and analyst targets) is largely based on investor optimism and positive sentiment for the TSLA stock.
TSLA Stock Prediction Based on Valuation
Discounted cash flow ratings and models can help investors to evaluate the value of the stock based on the company’s underlying financials. These models can help investors to determine if the stock is undervalued, fairly valued, or overvalued; and the numerous sources that the value of their stock stems from. TSLA currently has a DCF valuation rating of 5 , which suggests that TSLA has strong fundamentals.
Wall Street analysts have determined the Tesla, Inc. stock PE Ratio score to be 5 . This means that TSLA stock has a great future PE outlook.
Furthermore, TSLA has a Return on Equity rating of 3 implying that they are undervalued (overvalued) due to their ROE being high (low)
*The ratings are given on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being a poor rating and 5 being an excellent rating. However one should also keep in mind that these ratings can change over a period of time*
TSLA Forecast and TSLA Stock Analyst Ratings
In total there are 22 TSLA analyst ratings. 13 TSLA analyst ratings are considered to be “buy ratings”, and 4 TSLA analyst ratings indicate that the stock is overvalued and have given TSLA a “sell” rating. This leaves the remaining 5 TSLA analyst ratings being “hold” ratings.
Analyst Ratings have provided relatively strong indicators of future price movement, which is why they are used to determine a TSLA stock forecast. However, this shouldn’t be the only factor when determining whether to invest in Tesla, Inc. , I would use Analyst Ratings as a datapoint along with other fundamental indicators and investment metrics. We have also seen the impact of Analyst Ratings on stock price, when it comes to upgrading or downgrading a stock. You can keep track of real-time upgrades and downgrades as they happen with The Utradea Feed . The alerts also include TSLA stock price predictions.
TSLA Comparison
TSLA has outperformed their peers with an average gain of 26.57% over the course of the past month. Over the same time frame TSLA’ s peers have gained an average of -9.42%.
Originally published at https://utradea.com.